At camp we will explore a magnified theme, looking at the smallest things in
God's creation. We will participate in traditional camp experiences including
Bible Stories, games, crafts and food. Both lunch and snacks will be
provided. The camp will include a bused field trip to accompany our program.
A project of Speedside and Barrie Hill United Churches
Register early as there are limited spots available.
To register please fill out this registration form and e-mail to eramosapc@gmail.com
Payment by e-transfer is preferred and can be sent to eramosapc@gmail.com
The e-transfer password should be Eramosavbs2025
Cheques (payable to Eramosa Pastoral Charge) can be mailed to:
Barrie Hill United Church
5702 Wellington Rd 29
Rockwood, ON
N0B 2K0
Confidential Financial Assistance is available. Please contact: eramosapc@gmail.com
To register as a youth volunteer, please fill out this form and e-mail to eramosapc@gmail.com